Welcome to the new blog site for ORBITAL MANEUVERS!
This site is not about the book per se, but about the Universe we live in. We are in a renaissance-age with regard to learning about the cosmos. In many cases we are gathering information faster than we can study it and learn about the fantastic processes that have gone on and are on going to shape our Universe.
I hope to give you a peak into some of these wonders. Enjoy the site and feel free to comment or email (omblog@orbitalmaneuvers.com) if you have questions.
Also, check out the companion site for the Sci-Fi thriller ORBITAL MANEUVERS. There you will find information about the space shuttle, International Space Station, and other technology used in the book, as well as the threat from asteroid impacts. There are also chapters you can read and links if you would like to order the book online.
Thanks and enjoy!
RC Davison